Monday, May 21, 2007

Traffic Generation


StepMySpace has entered a stage of full metamorphosis. Some of our readers have already discovered the new StepMySpace Blog set up online some few weeks now, others have also noticed that we have not published so many articles so far since the first time we created this web site. These facts have contributed to explain our multiple choice of strategy: The launching of “GodAdSense”, the twin of “StepMySpace” has consumed so many of our tasks to restructure and still we have a lot to do to change the looks of our marketing frameworks.

StepMySpace will keep on to publish some related articles on the topic of Internet Marketing, advertising, PPC and Google AdSense, also some “Press Communiqué with the aim to create for our readers and members the possibility to raise the visibility of your web sites within the Internet Network and all for free. This new opportunity will possibly give the Internet professionals the new approach towards the horizon due to the 15,000 monthly visits to StepMySpace. In the mean time, if you want to avail of the opportunity offered by StepMySpace, please forward your “Press Communiqué” or your articles by signing for a free membership account. After the validation, your articles (with your favourite pictures) will be published on the blog with link(s) back to your web sites or blogs.

We have effectively changed the propulsion of our blog that was formerly with WordPress. Now, we have redesigned our blog though fundamentally it is compatible with WordPress, but this time we have risen beyond the limitation offered by WordPress in such to meet your specific requirements. Many of the articles submitted by some of our members that were kept pending will definitely published in the days to come. As you already know, to draft a “Press Communiqué” will require a careful attention due to the nature of the editing jobs, but we want to keep you well assured that within the few days we will communicate a well defined methodology which will help you to promote your activity in a way the most efficient.

Consequently, the frequency our publication has momentarily disturbed due the migration, but it will be back to the normal to meet your satisfaction. The implementation of our migration in the compatibility with WordPress has helped us a lot to meet the advantages above, and it has provided a lot of guaranteed security. Then, we have found ourselves no longer a victim for Spam and for all sorts of irregular commentaries.

Yours for your success

André Lee

For StepMySpace (web master)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Inside AdWords: About invalid clicks

Inside AdWords: About invalid clicks

We Are Committed To Protect You From Click Fraud
A lot of Google AdSense affiliates are banned from the Google AdSense Revenue for click scam. These Google AdSense affiliates try to have their AdSense account reinstated. However, most of them failed in their attempts. Consequently, they are permanently banned from the Google AdSense Remuneration Scheme.
Google does never disclose any precise information on how they classify click scam. They do not divulge their proprietary click scam uncovering expertise as well. Consequently, affiliates would not be able to report any click scam actions on their website.
However, Google does endow with general classification of invalid clicks. It may be a good proposal to learn how Google classifys invalid clicks and how they identify click Scam.
Your Solutions Against Click Scam is here.
We host your (Registered) domain for only $10/year, a hosting account with Guaranteed Click Fraud Protection. Within each and single folder you will have to upload a special PHP file, then once a visitor has clicked on your ads for a maximum of 3 times, ALL Adsense ads on ALL your web pages are automatically hidden from that visitor for 3 days. Obviously once your Adsense ads are hidden, you can no longer generate income from Adsense on your web pages. Our System also detect Adsense clicks from visitors using the latest versions of the most popular browsers (Internet Explorer and Firefox), which should cover the majority of your website visitors.
The feature of the Hosting account we provide is as follows:
Space of 25 MB (Upgradeable)Bandwidth of 500MB (Upgradeable)Easy to use Host Control Panel50 POP3 and SMTP Email AccountUnlimited email aliasesData Bases & JavaScript, ASP, PHP, & VB Script supportedSpam FilteringAuto ResponderFantastico with the possibility to create your own Blog.Sub Domain (i.e. days Satisfaction Guaranteed99.9% Guaranteed uptime
24/7 Email and Phone support.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

We Are Committed To Protect You From Click Fraud

A lot of Google AdSense affiliates are banned from the Google AdSense Revenue for click scam. These Google AdSense affiliates try to have their AdSense account reinstated. However, most of them failed in their attempts. Consequently, they are permanently banned from the Google AdSense Remuneration Scheme. Google does never disclose any precise information on how they classify click scam. They do not divulge their proprietary click scam uncovering expertise as well. Consequently, affiliates would not be able to report any click scam actions on their website.
However, Google does endow with general classification of invalid clicks. It may be a good proposal to learn how Google classifys invalid clicks and how they identify click Scam.
Your Solutions Against Click Fraud is here.
We host your (Registered) domain for only $10/year, a hosting account with Guaranteed Click Fraud Protection. Within each and single folder you will have to upload a special PHP file, then once a visitor has clicked on your ads for a maximum of 3 times, ALL Adsense ads on ALL your web pages are automatically hidden from that visitor for 3 days. Obviously once your Adsense ads are hidden, you can no longer generate income from Adsense on your web pages. Our System also detect Adsense clicks from visitors using the latest versions of the most popular browsers (Internet Explorer and Firefox), which should cover the majority of your website visitors.
The feature of the Hosting account we provide is as follows:
Space of 25 MB (Upgradeable)Bandwidth of 500MB (Upgradeable)Easy to use Host Control Panel50 POP3 and SMTP Email AccountUnlimited email aliasesData Bases & JavaScript, ASP, PHP, & VB Script supportedSpam FilteringAuto ResponderFantastico with the possibility to create your own Blog.Sub Domain (i.e. days Satisfaction Guaranteed99.9% Guaranteed uptime24/7 Email and Phone support.

For more......

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

BBQ Beef brisket recipes

If you are looking for unique bbq beef brisket recipes you will be surprised to find that you can find several by just searching online.

The best bbq sauce recipes for beef brisket can be found that you will enjoy every time you decide to create this delectable meal for your family or for your next dinner party. Everyone will enjoy the flavor and the aroma of these delightful meals when you use these new and unique recipes.

Here is a very delicious recipe that you will want to use over and over again not only for your bbq beef brisket, but for other meats as well.

You will need ½ cup of chopped onions, ½ cup of chopped celery, ½ cup of cooked tomatoes, ½ cup of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of crushed thyme, 1 teaspoon of crushed cumin, 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of chili powder, 1 large finely chopped jalapeno pepper, 1 cup of white vinegar, and 1 pound of cooked finely chopped bacon, reserving the bacon grease.

In a large saucepan, pour in a small amount of bacon grease that you have in reserve. Then sauté the onions, celery, and peppers until the onions are translucent. Now, add the remainder of the ingredients and bring to a rolling boil and boil for around 2 minutes.
Baste your beef brisket in this unique and wonderful bbq sauce and then grill over a low heat until desired doneness.

You will enjoy using this recipe for bbq beef brisket at all kinds of occasions and may even become your family’s favorite meal. You can even change the ingredients a little bit and take out some of the hotter ingredients if your family is not partial to hot and spicy. If so, just leave out the chili powder and jalapeno peppers. The flavor will still be awesome, but will not be as hot.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Finding the right person for marriage.

“How do I get into marriage?” is the first question you must ask. The answer is in Proverbs 18:22, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.”

“Whoso findeth …” not, “Whoso prayed for” or “Whoso his father giveth a wife…”
Finding a wife is a conscious act. It doesn’t happen in a sleep or dream. You enter into marriage with your sense alive. You consciously engage yourself in a finding process, by opening your mind and eyes to locate who you can spend your lifetime with.

The finding process is not spiritual, but a practical one. You open your eyes wide to find a partner. After finding, you evaluate what you have found, if it is what you really want or not.

On the whole, there are two basic criteria for determining whom to marry.

Must be a Believer in God

No matter the counsel, dream, or vision, there is no meeting point between a Believer and a sinner. The Abrahamic covenant demands that you marry among your kinsmen only. You’re not permitted to marry strangers. In simple language, the unbeliever is out of the question for a believer, no matter how you feel about it or how much you would have loved to. The bible is plain on this. According to 2 Corinthians 6:14-16, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

Considering an unbeliever for marriage is completely out of the question, no matter how well you are convinced that someday he or she will be submitted to your Faith in God. If you go into relationship with an unbeliever, it is easier for you to backslide into his or her environment of sins than you to get him converted into a Believer. This is because it is easier it is physically easier to be pulled down from a height than to be pulled up from a well or valley.

It is also Unscriptural for you to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. No matter what possession the unbeliever has, he is out of the way. Even if she is the most beautiful lady on earth, she is out of the way. Even if you claim he looks gentle, there are many gentle devils. A gentleman does not mean a saved believer. You may say, “In fact, since I knew him, he has never hurt a fly.” You will be the first fly he hill hurt! You don’t need to pray or think about considering an unbeliever as a marriage partner. God gave us brain so we can let Him rest. God doesn’t listen to prayers that negate His Word. God doesn’t respond to a supplication that contradicts to His declaration when He created heaven and earth.

Must be in agreement

The second criterion for making your choice on whom to marry is agreement. The Bible says in Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”

You ask yourself, “Do we agree? Are we working towards a common goal?” If you desire a successful home, then you must sincerely answer these questions. You don’t need prayer to be able to answer them. If a person is bothered about your prayer life, then you are not heading in the same direction. If she feels uncomfortable when you read the Bible, then you should not bother about her. If your going to church is a concern to him, you might end up in a shrine. If he can’t stand your relations, you can’t have a good home.

“Are we agreeable?” Answering this question has a lot to do with your ability to analyze issues. After these two criteria have been met, then you can make your choice of a marriage partner. Don’t be afraid to make your choice, because even God respect your choice as said in Deuteronomy 30:19, “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

…….to be continued.

Getting into marriage

To get at the best in anything, you need facts. I consider facts as the father of success. Every success in marriage is fathered by facts, not by luck.

Quite a number of people have very peaceful and harmonious homes and they have unconsciously engaged the vital law of success in marriage, the law of sense.

Many have put the blame for their troubled homes at the door of the devil. But I believe the devil is not to be blamed for some of the problems we find in homes today. Some of them are self-caused.

The Bible says by wisdom is a house built and by understanding it is established (Proverbs 24:3-4) Wisdom has a way of establishing peace and serenity in the home. But it places a responsibility on you.

Men with successful homes have accepted the responsibility of loving their wives, and the wives have also accepted the responsibility of submitting to their husbands. The Bible sense for getting into marriage or for enjoying a successful home is accepting your responsibility in designing or determining your destiny.

I believe that shortage of sense in the reason for problems in the home. Marriage is neither a myth nor magic. It is a relationship consciously entered into. You can’t wake up one morning and find somebody by your side. That happened only once in the garden of Eden, never to happen again.

Marriage is a good thing established by God, for the benefit of man. But to enjoy the benefits, it must be entered into as God intended it to be.

Starting right in the solid foundation for success in marriage. The Bible says in Psalm 11:3 “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Success in marriage starts even before a couple enters into marriage. A sure foundation sets the pace for a successful home.